lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Enero Argentino!

Se termina Enero! Un mes con muchas reservas y huespedes que fue un placer conocer! A mediados del mes, Eduardo y Liliana, de Moron, llegaron para quedarse por 3 noches. Pese a los inconvenientes que tenian con su vehiculo, pudieron disfrutar de su estadia y relajarse!
Los dias fueron calurosos y algunos con mucho viento, pero durante la tarde todo era mas agradable.

Eduardo y Liliana partieron hacia Cordoba, no sin antes dejar un hermoso relato de su estadia en el libro de huespedes! Gracias!!!

Justo al dia siguiente, Enrique y Claudia llegaron en la culminacion de unas lindas vacaciones por el interior del pais. Pasaron sus ultimos 3 dias aqui, recorriendo el valle. Un placer conocerlos!

Febrero se acerca, con promesas de lluvias. Y ojala asi sea. Incluidas en el pronostico, asoman dos reservas que practicamente completan el mes! Alla vamos!!

domingo, 22 de enero de 2012

Hello, Goodbye

Hello 2012, Goodbye 2011! A very good second year went away for the little Stone House... Slowly growing in reservations and with very nice reviews. Such a great experience! And it couldn't have ended better than with my last 2011 guest, Uli, from Vienna.
She stayed for 3 nights in mid December, for a special family occasion, and it was great to get to know her and know that she enjoyed every little detail of the B&B.

January started at full speed, with the 7-day stay of Carlos and Amalia, who came from San Nicolas, and really made a wise use of their time. They were able to visit many places and also relax in the peaceful evenings at the B&B. It was a pleasure meeting them and hearing their life stories.

Right after them, Monica and Hector, enjoyed a weekend and were quite pleased with the stay.

The rest of the summer season looks promising, with some last minute reservations, and I look forward to meeting nice new guests.

In the meantime, groundbreaking already started for the natural swimming pool. Hard work ahead, but slowly taking shape. And another project is in blue-sky stage.... with luck I will post some news in the coming entries.